Small Beginnings

In our Gospel this morning Jesus continues to speak in parables. Jesus has a crowd of followers; His popularity is growing. Yet, He continues speaking in parables. Why? From Matthew 13:10 Jesus answers, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. The reason I speak to them in parables is that, ‘seeing they do not perceive, and hearing they do not listen, nor do they understand.”

Have you ever been part of a group without really understanding what is going on? You get caught up in the excitement of the crowd, join a group, sign a petition, vote for an amendment or a politician because it is popular. Sometimes, in the excitement, we speak out before we have an understanding of all the issues. Jesus was speaking in parables because He wasn’t just looking for followers. Who have come along simply because they were going along with the crowd. You know, because of His popularity, and He was gaining popularity! Jesus was looking for something more: He was looking for commitment and understanding. He was looking for followers who were believers, not just because they were God’s chosen people, somehow entitled. There was more to it.

Over the past few weeks, we have heard several parables, chosen by Jesus for a particular purpose. We know that Jesus used things from everyday life when He was teaching His Disciples. Familiar things, simple common things that they and the rest of His listeners would recognize, but not necessarily understand the point He was making.

In our Gospel from Matthew, Jesus chose to use a Mustard Seed, Yeast, Pearl, and Fish. He was using these things to describe the Kingdom of Heaven.

But what exactly is the Kingdom of Heaven? The word Kingdom is from the word dominion or domain. So, these phrases are referring to God’s dominion in Christ, or we could say; God’s rule and reign and will in Christ Jesus. Now, God’s rule, reign and will is eternal. It covers the entire creation and all the nations, powers, and authorities within creation. But the thing is that this rule and reign and will is recognized only by God’s people and it is contested by unbelievers and the powers of darkness. There will come a day however, when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. So, in a sense, we can say that the Kingdom of Heaven is future. But in another way, we can say it is a present reality in the lives of believers. Let me say it this way, the rule and reign of God is a present reality that will be fully realized and recognized when Jesus returns.

If Jesus was teaching today, He might even use the Covid-19 Pandemic. Certainly, a subject that is familiar to all of us, it is on everyone’s mind, one might call it low hanging fruit! What began as a single case somewhere in China, in a matter of a months has now become a global pandemic. Today, there are nearly 16 million cases. As Covid-19 refuses to subside, one thing remains certain, we are living in unprecedented times. I feel like I am one of those lost and confused among the crowd. I am hearing the numbers; I am challenged by all the speculation. I have stated many times and I think we will all probably feel the same: I wish I knew the truth because I really don’t understand. I am certainly more comfortable with truth even if I don’t like it, than confusion.

How can so many different “facts” all be true? One thing I do know is that we are all living in an environment of uncertainty, challenged by things today that we never would have dreamed only a few months ago.

My modern-day illustration “parable” while somewhat more to the negative, does show the exponential growth of things un-noticed or quite small once planted or mixed in! Jesus did the same thing when He used leaven. You see for the Jew leaven or yeast was a symbol of dangerous influences in the world that could distract and lead God’s people away from the truth and into sin. So why leaven?

In the same way everyone was familiar with a mustard seed: they knew how tiny it was and what a mustard bush looked like, So, when He used Leaven, or the Mustard Seed, He had their attention! However, since he was speaking in parables, few of His listeners knew what Jesus was meaning: that Jesus was talking about Himself and the people of the earth. Jesus was the sower, the people were the soil and mustard seed is the Kingdom of Heaven. It was only Jesus, with the help of His twelve disciples who held the key to the Kingdom of Heaven. As compared to the worldwide population, or only in Israel for that matter, their strength and size was equivalent to the tiny size of a mustard seed, a grain so small that it was almost impossible to find if it accidently fell on the ground. Small but mighty! Anyone who has ever baked bread or made pizza knows what happens with even a small amount of yeast. However, they also know that you have to wait for it to do its work, to spread its way through the dough until the entire loaf is mysteriously leavened. It doesn’t happen immediately, it takes time. That is what the Kingdom of Heaven is like.

The work of Christ and His disciples that started with a small beginning, in a small corner of the world has become a dominating part of the entire world, and has paved the way for many people to take refuge or shelter in the Kingdom of Heaven, which is symbolic of the Church. The Kingdom of Heaven will grow, to achieve results out of proportion to its beginning. Small apparently insignificant beginnings!

So, if the Kingdom is here and now, why doesn’t God do something? Probably the most frequent question that people ask Christian leaders. Tragedies do happen. Horrific accidents devastate people’s lives and families. Even to Good Christian people! Tyrants and bullies force their way, crushing people as they force their own plans and they seem to get away with it. Covid-19 cases are continuing to grow every day. People are afraid. Sensitive and hurting people ask again and again, if the Kingdom is here and God is in charge, why is God apparently silent? Why doesn’t He step in and fix it? Do you question when people say that the Kingdom of Heaven is here right now; especially in times like the ones we are living?

We can find the answer in these little parables: the tiny seed will grow. The leaven will work. The treasure is at present hidden, but to those who find it will know its worth.  The Kingdom’s power is massive! Even though it starts apparently small like the seed, like yeast it can leaven the whole, huge batch. In the end, the kingdom will leaven the whole world. The kingdom will swell to encompass the whole creation. The yeast is hidden in the flour. Once mixed in, change begins. The yeast works mysteriously, unseen and powerfully.

This is the way of Christ’s Kingdom. Even though, in times like these the growth of the kingdom can be hard to trace, detect or measure.

The transforming power of the gospel of the Kingdom is at work: changing persons, social orders, economic relations, and primary loyalties. The only thing that will slow it down is seen in the parable of the yeast: Yeast can only do it’s work if there is something it can work with. In the dough there is sugar and starch that fuels the change and produces the gas that makes the dough rise.

In the kingdom, God can only work in people’s lives if there is something in them that wants to be changed. That thing is our hearts! There will be no change unless hearts are willing to be changed.

Once that change happens, we will never be the same.

I am going to close with one more of Jesus parables: Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. Now if you are like me, you are sitting there wondering how the Kingdom of Heaven is like this merchant. We find the answer when we look at what he did. He sought out pearls; he found one of great price and then he gave up everything to obtain it. This tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is what seeks and finds. It is the Kingdom that sacrifices all and obtains the treasure. It is the kingdom that finds a pearl of great price; and obtains it at all costs. It is the rule and reign of God in Christ Jesus that finds the pearl of great value.

The pearl is not the kingdom- which is what we would think! The pearl is something the kingdom seeks and finds, and then sacrifices greatly to obtain.

The pearl is you and I.

You and I are of immense value and worth to God!

Jesus paid the ultimate price for us. He gave it all for us.

We have seen a glimpse of the hidden treasure; we are the pearl of great price.

Take heart my friends; We have been found and bought by the King,



Rev. John Motis