God stooped down.
Maundy Thursday 2023
The Rev. John Motis
Palm Sunday, just a few days ago we had our own Procession in remembrance of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. That day, 2000 years ago, marked the beginning of Jesus’ final days, walking this earth as fully human. Jerusalem was in turmoil, everyone in the crowd had their own reasons for being there. Some were there for the Passover, some hoping to see a miracle, some simply wanted to get a glimpse of Him, some looking for the opportunity to get rid of him. Some were hoping that this was the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah. They had their ideas of how He would arrive; many expected Him to arrive on a white horse, flashing a sword, as the conquering king. Jesus, however demonstrated something totally different, His authentic humility. Yes, a conquering king, riding on a donkey demonstrating His true humility right up to the end. Isn’t it interesting that this was also the day that lambs were selected for Passover? “Lamb Selection Day” (MORE ON THAT LATER)
Jesus in His earthly ministry, with the clarity of BOK Tower’s Carillon Bells made clear who He was, In His “I am” statements in the Gospel of John ring out His identity. “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35); I am the light of the world” (8:12); “I am the gate” (10:9); I am the good shepherd” (10:11); I am the resurrection and the life” (11:25); I am the way, the truth, and the life” (14:16); and “I am the true grapevine” (15:1).
Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, an learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29).
Come, let us join the disciples as they enter the upper room for their final meal with Jesus before He went to the cross. The occasion was Passover. Let us imagine what was on the minds of Jesus’ disciples. I’m guessing that their first thought was who would sit where? Perhaps, even pushing and bumping each other out of the way to get the preferred seat. Who would be in the “honored” seats?
They all knew where Jesus would be reclining, the 2nd seat on the left side. The seat of the host. The question was, who would be sitting in the most honored guest’s seat on Jesus’ right and then who would be the second honored seat on his left? Does this seem a little familiar? How many of you remember arguing with brothers or sisters about who called “shotgun first?” Or for any of you who have ever been in a vehicle when a gate needed to be opened to enter or exit? Who scrambled for that one?
The disciples had been arguing about who was the greatest among them. James and John had asked Jesus to “Grant us to sit one on your right and one on your left, in your glory.” Making the other 10 angry. None, even aware of what was going on or what was going to happen over the next hours. I wonder if they felt somehow special. They were the ones hand chosen by Jesus the ones He chose to spend time with. They had witnessed the crowds of people trying to just get near Him, however, He chose them!
With all this scrambling going on, it didn’t even come to mind that all their feet were dirty. Or I would bet that they didn’t even consider taking the time to wash, they were in a hurry, because one of the other disciples might just get ahead of them to the chosen places at the table.
This is the scene that Jesus walked into, witnessed. Jesus entered the upper room with His heart full of selfless love, the disciples clomped into the room with soiled feet and self-serving attitudes. Walking right past the bucket of water. They did observe the custom of leaving their sandals near the door. Customarily, the first guests to arrive washed the other’s feet if no servant was present. Each man, however, considered himself too important for this lowly task.
These are the same men that Jesus had spent 24 hours a day 7 days a week with, these are the men that He would trust His church to. I wonder If He was thinking about what lie ahead for him this night. Was He thinking about what would lie ahead this night? Was He thinking that in a few short hours He would Drink the Cup of God’s Wrath? To endure the punishment meant for all of us.
We know that His betrayer Judas was among them. As astonishing as it may seem to us, Judas had a place of honor, next to Jesus. Was there because of self-importance or did Jesus give him that place as an expression of love for the one who would betray Him.
Jesus observed the disciples’ disappointing attitude, perhaps, big heads and dirty feet! Clearly the disciples had not taken His previous teaching to heart. He said, “I am humble.” The word humble means to bow low, to stoop and to serve. Jesus is the 2nd member of the Trinity, and He chose to bow low with the attitude of gentleness. Our God the creator of the universe stooped down and changed everything!
Humbleness, the beautiful quality that characterizes our Savior, the true Servant.
Here we are, in Jesus’ final hours, His humility took center stage.
Without saying a word, “Jesus, got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him.” Did you notice that Jesus got up and began without saying a word? Jesus didn’t call attention to what He was doing. He didn’t shame the disciples. One of my pet peeves at work is when my employees stand steel up against the outside of the buildings. When I see it, I walk up to it and push it over with the intention that it will make a whole lot of noise, with the hopes of getting the offending party and everyone else’s attention. Or, when we have a family dinner at the house: when everyone is finished eating, it seems that there is a waiting game that begins. Who will get up and clear the table and start the dishes. (I certainly get into trouble on this one!)
You see, if Jesus had called attention to His actions, it would have ruined it. The objective of the lesson would have been lost. I don’t think that it was about embarrassing His disciples. Jesus was emphasizing that the ways of God’s kingdom, the kingdom that He came to advance, were not the ways of the world. It seems likely that as a rabbi who taught using words and actions, Jesus demonstrated this truth by washing His disciples’ feet. Demonstrating true humility! (Unannounced – not a word was said.)
I think the words of a poem by poet Ruth Calkins describes the heart and humility Jesus is calling us to:
I Wonder, You know Lord, how I serve you with great emotional fervor, in the limelight. You know how eagerly I speak for you at a women’s club. You know how I shine when I promote a fellowship group. You know my genuine enthusiasm at a Bible study. But how would I react, I wonder, if you pointed to a basin of water and asked me to wash the calloused feet of a bent and wrinkled old woman, day after day, month after month, in a room where nobody saw and nobody knew. (pause)
In Mark’s Gospel on Ash Wednesday at the beginning of Lent. Jesus said, “Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven.” “Do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.”
Jesus’ calls us to imitate him. We know that you cannot imitate what you don’t know. A parrot doesn’t learn to swear on his own. He imitates his owner’s example. To imitate by definition implies that there is an original to go by. Jesus is the original. “Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord-and you are right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.”
How ironic it is that Jesus’ disciples argued about their greatness during the meal at which Jesus established a memorial celebration of His sacrifice to redeem undeserving, selfish, and sinful people.
Jesus and His disciples gathered that night to keep with God’s command to “remember” the Passover, the Jews added the four cups of wine to the seder ritual. Doing so to highlight God’s amazing promises of redemption and relationship in Exodus. Jesus used the cup and promise of redemption to help introduce the fellowship meal of the new covenant that He instituted this night. Just as God commanded the Hebrews to remember the Passover, Jesus commands his followers (them, you and me) to remember the body and blood of his sacrifice.
Jesus used the elements of the seder to present himself – His body as the “unleavened bread” and His blood represented in the cup as the long -awaited Messiah/Redeemer. Jesus invites us to share in a “reliving” experience when we receive the cup and the bread.
After the meal Jesus led His disciples into the full moon lit night (a full moon night, just like tonight). They crossed the Kidron Valley up to the Mt of Olives. The Gospel writers tell us that Jesus faced intense struggles that night. Like the first “Passover” in Egypt, death stalked in the moonlight. The blood of the Lamb of God would be required to redeem God’s people from the bondage of sin into which all have been born. For this purpose, Jesus entered into the world.
Peter, James and John had seen Jesus, the divine Son of God, in all his glory during the transfiguration. This night, they will see Jesus’ humanity fully displayed. This night, the Passover Lamb commanded, “Watch with me,” and they would see their Messiah – our Messiah – face his destiny.
God looked down through time and saw all the evil, hate, immorality, deceit, greed, pride and the selfishness of each one of us. He knew we would reject Him, ignore Him and worship ourselves over Him, yet in His great love, He humbled Himself and provided for our salvation. He sent His Son in the form of a man (in a body that could suffer, bleed, and die) as an atonement for our sins. He stooped down to do all this, and sacrificed Himself, so that we could come into His presence and have a relationship with Him.