Into the Blue
About a week and a half ago, 11 days to be exact, the world watched William Shatner, the actor most famous for his role as Captain James Tiberius Kirk on the original Star Trek TV show and movies, actually rocket into space and safely return aboard the Blue Origin.
At 90 years of age, with a whole life of extraordinary experiences, here was a chance to experience in real life what he had portrayed on the little and big screen.
I don’t know what he said after they landed before they opened the capsule door. I know what I want him to have said. I know what I needed him to say. For me, he needed to fix his steely gaze on the other passengers and say, “Phasers on stun.”
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The Hard, Good Road
Today’s gospel is the third of three incidents that Mark shares where Jesus tells his disciples about his impending suffering, crucifixion and resurrection. You’ll recall the other two; Peter’s confession followed with “Get behind me Satan,” and after the second time the disciples argue amongst themselves about who is greatest.
Jesus again tells them in verses 10:32-34 what is to come. This time, it is the brothers James and John. Mark tells us (in Chapter 3) that Jesus calls them “Sons of Thunder.” That tells us they were loud, boisterous types.
There are two primary lessons to learn from this passage.
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Unbuckling Our Packs and Lightening Our Loads
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
One of the highlights of my summer, and indeed, of my entire life, was going on a weeklong backpack adventure, up and down the hills of West Virginia along the Allegheny Trail, with my son, because it gave each of us the opportunity to come to know each other better as grown men, and at sixty-nine years of age, I don’t have any time to lose.
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