Anointed to Purpose

As we step into Luke’s account we are told the people are filled with expectation. They are looking for a hero. There was a problem, the Roman occupation, and they were looking for someone to lead them to set things right with God who would then set things right in the world. They are focused on John because he seems to fit the bill.

People are always looking for a hero. That’s why the biggest movies tend to be hero tales, be it a secret agent or a boy wizard or a Hobbit or a teenager bitten by a radioactive spider. And Spider-Man is popular. When Meg and I went to see the new Spider-Man movie a week before Christmas, the parking lot was strangely full – at the Eagle Ridge Mall. There was a long line. We had to hunt to find reasonably good seats. We’re not used to that. Once I even said to the one other couple in the theater, “Mind if we join you?” There were several moments when the audience cheered loudly. Great fun. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man became the biggest movie of 2021 despite opening the last week of the year.

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The Rev. Tim Nunez
The Dignity of Every Human Being

Last Sunday we baptized baby Lilly Van Hook. As part of the baptism service, all Christians who are present and, I hope, those watching online reaffirm our Baptismal Covenant, which is mostly the Nicene Creed in a question and answer format. And there are a series of additional promises as well. (I’m making a New Year’s resolution right now that I will preach on each of those promises this year.)

One of them, the last, came to mind this week as I reflected on our collect. It asks us, “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” Our response is, “I will with God’s help.” (BCP 305)

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The Rev. Tim Nunez