Volunteer Opportunities
Acolytes (children in third grade through high school) carry the crosses and torches and assist at the altar during corporate worship.
Members of the Altar Guild serve on a one-week-a-month team which prepares the altar for corporate worship, setting out the elements for communion, cleaning and putting them away, and polishing brass and silver.
Breakfast Cooks serve on a rotating team to prepare breakfast on Sunday mornings between the two services.
Our adult Choir rehearses each Wednesday night and sings during the 10:15 AM Sunday service.
Children ages pre-school through high school our welcome to participate in our traditional Christmas Pageant.
We participate in the Diocesan Cursillo Christian leadership program conducted several times each year at Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center.
The Daughters of the King partner with the rector in a ministry of prayer and service. They host fifth Sunday social hours and funeral receptions as needed; they also coordinate the United Thank Offering of the women of the parish.
The Emergency Meals Teams (EMTs) provide meals for several days to week for a parish family in need due to the birth of a baby, illness, death in the family, or other short-term need.
Volunteers teach our EYC-2 (elementary age school children) on Wednesday evenings after dinner during the school year. Bible lessons, crafts, service projects, and playground fun are offered.
Our Flower Delivery volunteers take the altar flowers to those who cannot attend church.
Our Handbell Choir performs several times a year during church, and on special occasions including our annual Christmas banquet. We have weekly practices during the school year. Counting to four is the only requirement!
Our Honduras Mission Partnership supports our companion Diocese of Honduras and our companion parish in Santa Maria. Our activities include annual mission trips to Santa Maria, Honduras, and fundraisers to support the parish there.
Our Junior Choir is for young singers ages seven and older. The choir sings in church several times per year.
The Kairos Prison Ministry is a program for men at Avon Park Correctional Institution. Pray, donate cookies and decorated placemats, visit the prison for a Kairos closing ceremony, or serve on a biannual prison ministry team. Security clearance forms are required for those who want to attend a closing ceremony in the prison.
Lay Readers read the lessons and administer the chalice during holy communion.
Our Meeters and Greeters committee welcomes visitors and guests to the parish.
Our Outreach Committee coordinates a variety of service programs and grants for the welfare of our larger community.
Volunteers for our Polk Avenue School Partnership pack and deliver fourteen bags of non-perishable food for homeless students, or serve as a weekly mentor to a student, or assist with occasional teacher appreciation meals.
Social hour hosts provide refreshments after the main service on Sunday.
Our Special Meals volunteers prepare and serve meals for special parish events that include the Rally Sunday brunch, Stewardship Education Event, Christmas Banquet, and Graduation Sunday picnic.
Thrift Shop volunteers receive, price and sell donations of used clothing, jewelry and household items at the thrift shop at 111 E. Orange Ave, downtown Lake Wales. This longstanding outreach program has served both our church and the community for four generations. Volunteers are always needed to work a two-and-one-half hour weekly shift or to serve as a substitute.
Ushers serve on a team to distribute bulletins, receive offerings, and assist parishioners who need help going up to the altar to receive Holy Communion. After the service, ushers collect the money offered and clean up the pews.
Each summer, our Vacation Bible School volunteers offer a week of Christian education in a fun learning environment in the mornings for children ages kindergarten through 5th grade. This unforgettable week includes Bible study, crafts, snacks, and outdoor play as well as a high-energy opening and closing ceremony. For 2020, we did a “GUP” undersea project, where we learned about grace under pressure and the Lord’s Prayer.
Our Vestry is comprised of 12 members who serve as the governing body of our church. Included are a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden (who oversees the property), a Treasurer and a Secretary. Four new members are added annually in January to serve three-year terms.
Wednesday night dinner cooks prepare an entree and salad bar once or twice a year. They also serve and clean up the dinner.
Call the office (863-676-8578) if you would like to participate in any of these service opportunities.